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Get Full Length Version - Purchase It In Full早朝から主人は友人お家まで自転車で向い、その友達が最近購入した高級車でゴルフ場に行ってました。そして嫁友達は、帰ってきたら4人で飲み会になると思い私もそのご自宅までママチャリで行き、昼間から嫁同士で商店街の居*屋さんで梯子しながら飲んでいました。夕方2人が帰ってきました。健康的な一日を過ごして、しっかりシャワーを浴びて日焼けしたお顔に白い歯が・・・対照的に、ほろ酔い気分でお顔を赤くしながら悪ふざけする嫁2人・・・主人がこそこそと「ポッチが少し見えてるよ」友達は主人の後輩で自撮りポッチチーム女子会のことを知るのは私の主人だけです。後輩の友達は私は昔から付き合いもあります。その後輩は慌てて奥さまの手を引いて洗面所に・・・状況判断ができない私でした。結局男子チームは疲れたのでその場でお開き、従って私たちも。家を出てから主人が「自転車で一度帰宅してから車で迎えに来るから少し待ってて」少し酔っている私を気遣っての一言?私は商店街の近くの小さな公園で自撮りでもしながら待機です。主人はロードバイクにまたがり「ワンピースを脱いで」と「ハーイ!」と脱いだら間髪入れずにワンピースを首に巻いて疾走しました。私は一瞬キョトンと・・・これもしかしてがちでやばいやつでは(恥)透け透けのランジェリー、カップレスブラ、極小Tバック、そして地方ではない都会の商店街、午後6時、人の往来も多い、隠れる場所もない、状況が理解できました。昔からいたずらっ子の主人は年を重ねても子供のころと同じです。それに対して「主人が言い残した、自撮りでもして・・・」という言葉を思い出し、チャレンジ精神がめらめらと。ちゃんと実行しましたよ。50㎝前を人が通過するのに乳首が・・・人のいないところや、真夜中、大自然の中、地方都市、田舎、海沿いではありません。こんな自己満足の遊びをする単独女子はこの国では私達だけだと思います。最後はやっぱりベランダでオナニーしちゃいました。そして置く場所のヒントが動画のどこかに・・・よろしくお願いいたします。
My husband went to his friend's house by bicycle early in the morning, and went to the golf course in the friend's recently purchased luxury car. Then, thinking that the four of us would have a drinking party when my wife's friend returned, I also went to her house on my mamachari, and in the daytime, the wives and I went to a bar in the shopping district, drinking together. In the evening, the two of them came home. After a healthy day, they had a good shower, and their tanned faces and white teeth were visible... In contrast, the two wives were slightly ***** and red-faced, playing around... My husband said quietly, "Your nipples are showing a little." The friend is my husband's junior, and my husband is the only one who knows about the selfie nipple team girls' party. I have been friends with the junior's friend for a long time. The junior hurriedly took his wife's hand and went to the bathroom... I was unable to judge the situation. In the end, the men's team was tired, so they called it a day, and so did we. After leaving the house, my husband said, "I'll come home by bicycle once and then come to pick you up by car, so please wait a little." Was this a word of concern for me, who was a little *****? I waited in a small park near the shopping district, taking selfies. My husband got on his road bike and said, "Take off your dress," and after he took it off, he immediately wrapped the dress around his neck and sped off. I was confused for a moment, but I realized that this was a dangerous situation (embarrassing). See-through lingerie, cupless bra, tiny T-back, and a shopping district in a city, not a rural area, 6pm, lots of people coming and going, no place to hide, I understood the situation. My husband has always been a mischievous *****, but he is still the same as he was when he was a *****, even as he gets older. I remembered the words he had said, "Take a selfie..." and my spirit of challenge was awakened. I did it. People pass 50cm in front of me, but my nipples are... not in a place with no people, in the middle of the night, in the middle of nature, in a regional city, in the countryside, or by the sea. I think we are the only single women in this country who play this kind of self-satisfied game. If you are a woman who wants to participate, please comment. Thank you.
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